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(Kennedy-J., 2021)
Dip ML 35" 5.75" DOR
4 branches, 14 buds
Unusual Form Cascade

Yellow apricot blend with extended vivid green
throat loosely ruffled petals and recessed midribs.
Pod and pollen fertile.

(Practically Pistachio x Arno's Bow Tie)

Hybridizer’s Notes
A continuation of Pat's hybridizing for green, I can imagine her exclaiming 'Booyah' when she saw the very green throat, on this daylily. Since the petals and sepals roll up and twist, the actual bloom diameter is about 9" when the segments are stretched out. Garden visitors are drawn to its vivid green throat and charming bloom presentation.

Contact Info

Blue Ridge Area Daylily Society
Meetings are held at:
The Council of Gardens Clubs Center
3640 Colonial Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24018

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