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(Kennedy-J., 2020)
Dip M 28" 4.5" SEV
4 branches, 22 buds
Strawberry red with cream midribs above a vivid green to yellow throat, darker
red halo on petals, and cream edging on sepals.
Pod and pollen fertile.
(Halloween Green x Fried Green Tomatoes)

Hybridizer’s Notes
A cross of two daylilies from the program of my friend and hybridizing mentor, Tim Herrington. The name is intended to honor his influence with a little humor. I wasn't sure if I would get orange or red by crossing 'Halloween Green' and 'Fried Green Tomatoes', but I hoped to get a green throat and the good branching that are prevalent to Herrington daylilies. The resulting rich strawberry red has very smoothly finished petals with a subtle halo that accentuates the green throat and cream midribs, making it very showy in the garden.

Contact Info

Blue Ridge Area Daylily Society
Meetings are held at:
The Council of Gardens Clubs Center
3640 Colonial Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24018

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