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Bula Eula - 1901

Angie & Craig Bowald - 2019

Great teeth, but color isn't as deep as the hybridizer's pic.

Bula Eula - AngleB 20200622

Beverly Angle - 2020

Bula Eula 21-2

Angie & Craig Bowald - 2021

Takes a while to develop the color, and there's no teeth this year.


(Hansen-D., 2016)
height 28 in.(71 cm), bloom 5.5 in.(14 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 4 branches, Coral with bluish band and border, cream bubbly edge, yellow throat, overlapping petals, flat, both eye and edge can be complex.

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